Brian Sletten gave a great talk at JavaMUG in January of this year, ChatGPFFT : The Impact of Large Language Models. Pretty much an hour of content suggesting little chance of CHOP taking the place of Jr Devs. Your meme is another legitimate reason why jr devs aren't going away.

However, I think what we may see, sadly, in the short term, is companies either replacing developer attrition with CHOP on one end and forcing the change through an annual review process. But, gotta keep the junior devs in the orgs or the promo pipeline dries up. I clearly have opinions and some corporate world data points on the subject.

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Yeah, and I'd love to hear them. I should probably talk to Brian, too. My usual phrase is that the danger isn't that an AI tool can do your job, it's that a manager will think an AI tool can do your job. Which it can't, not really, but it can make the senior developers more productive and help the junior developers learn quickly.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Unless you somehow managed to go back in time and impregnate all those students' mothers, your students will not be "your kids." (Sorry, that framing is a pet peeve of mine.) Your students might not be fully formed adults with adult responsibilities, as work colleagues are, but they are not your children.

With any luck, your students will have an open mind and treat you and your topics with respect. You can do the same. (I'm not offended if you remove this comment.)

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Fair enough. I hadn't thought of it that way. It's an easy adjustment for me to make. Not a problem, especially coming from someone I respect :⁠-⁠)

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