Sep 2Liked by Ken Kousen

Please do report on what you experience as you teach, assuming students use AI as Mollick does. I want to know about the learning/understanding that people do or do not gain. I'm one of those people who seemed to learn the content during the final exam. Sigh. Especially for those crazy math classes. (My 1977 BS in Computer Science must be a good 10 years older than yours, so I took a bunch of EE and advanced math classes. "Hard" was a total understatement. We will not discuss my grades in those classes!)

So far, I'm seeing way too many people create and then reuse AI content with the result of regression to the mean--an increase in mediocrity. However, I'm only seeing people use AI for writing prose, not programming. When people do that, they don't realize what they learn through the effort of working through what they do and do not know.

I look forward to what you learn!! Thanks.

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I’m blushing, Ken 😳

Just a correction – I’ve only just managed to surpass 3,000 on Substack (+ an additional 1.4k on LinkedIn, where I also publish).

I’m still surprised that my somewhat over-the-top messages on a rather niche topic (delving into JEPs and updates in the Java platform and ecosystem - not something truly interesting for most of the developers) have found so many readers 😀 So every new subscriber brings me lot of joy.

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